Table of Measurement Messages

Oscilloscope and Eye Mode Measurement Messages
In Measurement Details In Results Table and returned by :STATus:REASon? Query
The displayed signal's type (NRZ or PAM4) appears to be incompatible with the measurement. Signal Type?
The required edge was not found. Edge?
The requested amplitude was not found. Voltage?
The waveform top and base are equal. Top = Base
The completion criteria has not been met. Incomplete
The waveform is clipped at the top of the display. Clipped Hi
The waveform is clipped at the bottom of the display. Clipped Low
The input signal is too small. Too Small
The lower threshold is not on the waveform. Lower?
The upper threshold is not on the waveform. Upper?
The upper and lower thresholds are too close. Thresholds?
The requested time is not on the waveform. Time?
The requested time was not found. Time?
The left bounding data point was not found. Left?
The right bounding data point was not found. Right?
The specified eye top is not on the waveform. Top?
The specified eye base is not on the waveform. Base?
Unable to identify the eye. Eye?
Not enough crossings were found. Crossings?
Not enough samples have been acquired. No data
The source is turned off. Source off
The source waveform is not in the correct format. Source?
The jitter is too large. Jitter?
The measurement period is too small. Period?
The measurement transition is too small. Transition?
The measurement pulse width is too small. Width?
The crossing is too thin. Cross?
The dark level is invalid. Dark Level?
The Correction Factor is larger than the measured ER. Corr Factor?
Not all waveforms were acquired simultaneously. Mismatch
{0} requires calibration. Cal Req'd
The measurement is not defined for the output of a DFE. DFE?
Jitter Mode Measurement Messages
In Measurement Details In Results Table and returned by :STATus:REASon? Query
Sample level is out of valid range. Level?
Excessive Jitter. Jitter
Incorrect pattern parameters. Pattern
Eye is closed. Eye?
Too many points outside range of the edge model. Edge?
Histogram is clipped. Clipped
Unable to create monotonic edge model. Edge?
No suitable edges for measurement. Edges?
One/Zero level measurements may be corrupted by excessive jitter. Jitter
The RJ Compensation Factor is too large. RJ Comp?
The RN Compensation Factor is too large. RN Comp?
Jitter Spectrum Analysis is reporting an RJ value that is too large. JSA-RJ?
Unable to apply RN Compensation/Stabilization using current Jitter Data. RN Comp?