Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:
Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.05.70 and above, use the :DISK:WAVeform:SAVE:FTYPe
command instead.
Command Syntax
:DISK:WAVeform:SAVE:FLAYout {YVALues | XYValues}
Query Syntax
Sets the format for saving text formatted waveform files with the :DISK:WAVeform:SAVE
command. In addition to selecting Y-value or XY-value formatting using this command, you must select text formatting versus binary using the :DISK:WAVeform:FFORmat
- Y-value waveform files are ASCII files (.txt) comprised of a header followed by amplitude values for each data point, as shown in the following example file. The ASCII amplitude values are in volts or Watts and are separated by a carriage return and line feed. This format is convenient for transferring data to other software applications, as you can import this file into many spreadsheet or word processing programs. Y-value format is designed for waveforms in which the data points are separated by equal time increments. Do not use Y-value format if any the following conditions are true (use the XY-value format instead): the waveform is a pattern waveform, a precision timebase is used, or the waveform is the output of the versus operator in a waveform signal processing function.
- XY-value waveform files are ASCII files (.txt) comprised of a header followed by voltage and time values for each data point, as shown in the following example file. The ASCII amplitude values are in volts or Watts while the X-axis values are in time. Each value is separated by a carriage return and line feed. Like the Y-value format, this format can be imported into many spreadsheet or word processing programs. XY-value format is designed for waveforms that have been sampled using unequal time separations between adjacent data points. Unequal time separations occur when any of the following conditions are true: the waveform is a pattern waveform, a precision timebase is used, or the waveform is the output of the versus operator in a waveform signal processing function.
Example Y-Value Format File
File Format, WaveformYValues Format Version, 1 Instrument, N1010A SwVersion, A.01.60 SerialNumber, sn XXXXXX Date, 09/07/2011 08:58:06 Points, 2048 XOrg, 0 XInc, 9.765625E-14 X Units, Second Y Units, Volt Data, 0.137924194335938 0.131973266601563 0.108322143554688 . . .
Example XY-Value Format File
File Format, WaveformXYValues Format Version, 1 Instrument, N1010A SwVersion, A.01.60 SerialNumber, sn XXXXXX Date, 09/07/2011 08:58:30 Points, 2048 X Units, Second Y Units, Volt Data, 0, 0.137924194335938 9.765625E-14, 0.131973266601563 1.953125E-13, 0.108322143554688 2.9296875E-13, 0.143295288085938 3.90625E-13, 0.14312744140625 4.8828125E-13, 0.14013671875 1.9970703125E-10, 0.140792846679688 . . .