
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:JDMemoryN:DISPlay  {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}

Where N indicates the one available jitter data memory at this time, :JDMemory1.

Query Syntax


Query Response

{1 | 0}


Turns on or off the display of jitter-data memory. Jitter data must be loaded (recalled) from a file into jitter-data memory before it can be displayed. Use the STATus command to determine if data is currently loaded in jitter-data memory. Use the :JDMemory::LOAD command to load the currently displayed jitter data into jitter data memory. Use the :JDMemory:FILE:LOAD command to load a jitter data file into jitter data memory. Displaying jitter-data memory, forces FlexDCA into Jitter Mode, erases any current data, turns off all active channels, and stops data acquisition.

To restore viewing to an input channel's jitter data

When jitter memory is turned on, the current input channel is turned off and data from the jitter memory database is displayed. To restore normal jitter mode operation:

  1. Turn jitter memory off (:JDMemory1:DISPlay OFF).
  2. Turn on an input channel to display a signal (:CHANnel2A:DISPlay ON).
  3. Perform an Auto Scale (:SYSTem:AUToscale).