Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

This command is compatible with TDR/TDT mode only.

Command Syntax

:LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:CMODe{1:8}{A|C}:STATe {DISK | MEMory | OFF}

Where the specifier {1:8}{A|C} identifies a common-mode channel.

Query Syntax



In TDR/TDT Mode, specifies the reporting action for the selected common-mode waveforms upon completion of limit testing for a limit line test. Use the command argument to select or turn off the reporting action. To disable the reporting action of all channel, common-mode, differential, and function waveforms, use the :LTEST:LLINe:SWAVeform:RESet command.

To turn on limit testing for a limit line test, use the :LTESt:LLINe:TEST:STATe command.

Command Arguments
Argument Description
DISK Saves the waveform to a file (.wfmx) in the %USER_DATA_DIR%\Limit Lines folder. Use the :LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:CMODe:FNAMe command to specify the file name.
MEMory Saves the waveform to a memory location. Use the :LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:CMODe:WMEMory command to specify the memory location.
OFF Turns off the saving of a common-mode waveform.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.

Example Command