Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:FUNCtion{1:16}:STATe {DISK | MEMory | OFF}

Query Syntax



Specifies the reporting action for the selected function waveform upon completion of limit testing for a limit line test. Use the command argument to select or turn off the reporting action. To disable the reporting action of all channel, common-mode, differential, and function waveforms, use the :LTEST:LLINe:SWAVeform:RESet command.

To turn on limit testing for a limit line test, use the :LTESt:LLINe:TEST:STATe command.

Command Arguments
Argument Description
DISK Saves the waveform to a file (.wfmx) in the %USER_DATA_DIR%\Limit Lines folder. Use the :LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:FUNCtion:FNAMe command to specify the file name.
MEMory Saves the waveform to a memory location. Use the :LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:FUNCtion:WMEMory command to specify the memory location.
OFF Turns off the saving of a function waveform.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.


This example shows the general steps required to load two limit line tests. One test is for a channel waveform and one test is for a function waveform. Limit testing is applied to each limit line test and both waveforms are saved to a file upon test completion which occurs on the first failed data point. The waveform content window is tiled so that the two waveforms do not overlap. In a real example, you would need to create the limit test for your waveforms and manage the correct positioning of the limit lines.

:SYSTem:MODE OSCilloscope
:FUNCtion1:DISPlay ON

//  Load and start two limit line tests.
:LLINe1:LOAD:FNAMe "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Limit Lines\Golden Test.lltx"
:LLINe1:DISPlay ON  //  Display first limit line test.

:LLINe2:LOAD:FNAMe "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Limit Lines\Golden Test.lltx"
:LLINe2:SOURce FUNCtion1
:LLINe2:DISPlay ON  //  Display second limit line test.

:DISPlay:WINDow:TIME1:DMODe STILed  //  Stack and tile waveform window.//  Configure "Save Channel Waveform" reporting.
:LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:RESet  //  Turn saving of all waveforms off.
:LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:CHANnel1A:FNAMe "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Waveforms\FailCH1A.wfmx"  //  Waveform file name.
:LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:CHANnel1A:STATe DISK  //  Save waveform to file.//  Configure "Save Function Waveform" reporting.
:LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:FUNCtion1:FNAMe "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Waveforms\FailFunction1.wfmx"  //  Waveform file name.
:LTESt:LLINe:SWAVeform:FUNCtion1:STATe DISK  //  Save waveform to file.//  Run limit testing.
:LTESt:LLINe:TEST1:MODe SOFailure  //  Stop limit testing on fail condition.
:LTESt:LLINe:TEST1:STATe ON  //  Enable limit testing.
:LTESt:LLINe:TEST2:MODe SOFailure  //  Stop limit testing on fail condition.
:LTESt:LLINe:TEST2:STATe ON  //  Enable limit testing.
:ACQuire:CDISplay  //  Clear existing waveform data.
:ACQuire:RUN  //  Enable data acquisition.