Command Syntax
:SOURceN:DIFFerential {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}
Where N identifies a simulated module's specific channel and must be selected from {1:8}{A|B|C|D}. For example, SOURce3C
Query Syntax
Query Response
{1 | 0}
Turns on differential tracking between the two channels of a simulated electrical module. The two channels are the primary (+) channel waveform (for example, 6A) and the secondary (−) channel waveform (in this example, 6B). When differential tracking is turned on, the channel primary (+) channel waveform settings (data type, amplitude, and offset) are copied into the secondary (−) channel setup. The polarity of the amplitude and offset values are reversed. For secondary channels, this command can only be queried. While differential tracking is on, the settings for a secondary (−) channel can not be changed. For example, the amplitude of the channel can not be changed. This command does not work on simulated optical channels.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.02.00 and above.
Example Command Sequence
:SOURce2A:WAVeform:TYPE PRBS7 :SOURce2A:WAVeform:DRATe 8.5E+9 :SOURce2A:WAVeform:AMPLitude 1.2E-1 :SOURce2A:WAVeform:OFFSet 1.0E-3 :SOURce2A:JITTer:RJ 1.1E-12 :SOURce2A:DIFFerential ON