Command Syntax
:SOURceN:FNAMe <filename>
<filename> is a string. This command supports the DEFault
common child command.
Where N identifies a simulated module's specific channel and must be selected from {1:8}{A|B|C|D}. For example, SOURce3C
Query Syntax
For simulated modules, loads a pattern waveform file (.csv) or waveform file (.wfmx) to define the waveform. To apply the pattern to the source waveform, use the :SOURce:WTYPe FNAMe
Requires FlexDCA revision A.02.00 and above.
AWG Channel |
Equivalent Letter |
1 | A |
2 | B |
3 | C |
4 | D |
Selecting AWG Channels
When sending a :SOURce
subsystem command to an AWG, the method used to specify the AWG's channel may look confusing at first glance. This is because, the AWG's front-panel channels are labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, but FlexDCA identifies channels with letters (A, B, C, or D). As a result, you must convert the AWG's channel number to an equivalent FlexDCA letter. For example, to enable channel 3 of an AWG that is installed in FlexDCA's slot 5 use the following command: :SOURce5C:OENable ON
Default User and Demo Folders

The default user data folder for storing waveform files is in %USER_DATA_DIR%\Waveforms
as shown in this picture. It is good practice to include a path substitution string with the filename. For example, %USER_DATA_DIR%\Waveforms\filename
The default demo folders for loading waveform files is in %DEMO_DIR%\Waveforms
as shown in the following picture. It is good practice to include a path substitution string with the subfolders and filename. For example, %DEMO_DIR%\Waveforms\filename
Including a path substitution string in the filename ensures that the file will be saved in (or loaded from) the desired folder. Failure to do so may result either in a file created in an parent folder or a file error. Do not append a filename extension as the extension is automatically added.

Example Command Sequence
:SOURce2A:WTYPe FILE :SOURce2A:FNAMe "MyPattern.csv"