Command Syntax
:SPRocessN:RRX:PRESets <string>
Loads a previously saved a preset for a Reference Rx operator. The preset configures the operator to your saved settings. There are no factory provided presets for this operator. To query which presets are available for loading, use the
What function do I address this command to?
Always address the :SPRocess:RRX:PRESets
command to the Reference Rx's output function. In the following figure of the Reference Rx Setup dialog's operator diagram, this would be Function 2. In this case, the command would be:
:SPRocess2:RRX:PRESets "MyPreset"

Presets can only be saved from the operator's Setup dialog. There is no programming command for this task.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.07.80 and above.
Example Command
:SPRocess:RRX:PRESets "MyPreset" // Load a saved preset.