Command Syntax
:SPRocessN:RRX:PNOise {NONE | SPECtrum | PRMS}
Where N identifies one of up to 64 possible operators {1:64} that can be defined as part of a math function. The operators are numbered in the order that they were originally added to the function.
Query Syntax
For the Reference Rx operator, this command selects the type of aliased noise processing used. Aliased noise processing is a filter that is applied to the power spectrum of the noise to calculate the appropriate magnitude of the noise on the output.
The availability of the noise processing options is based on the type Linear Equalizer selected:
- If a TDECQ Equalizer is selected, the Receiver Rx operator forces the use of Process Spectrum noise processing and you do not need to send this command.
- If a Linear Equalizer is selected, you can select noise processing to be either:
command argument (Process Spectrum ). By default, the Input Noise Bandwidth tracks the input response.PRMS
command argument (Preserve RMS).NONE
command argument which turns off noise processing.
To specify the bandwidth used when preserving the input waveform's noise, set the :SPRocess:RRX:PNOise:BANDwidth:AUTo
command to OFF
and use the :SPRocess:RRX:PNOise:BANDwidth
command to enter the bandwidth.
Aliased Noise Processing is a global setting for all equalizers activated within the Reference Rx operator. The Reference Rx operator always forces both the CTLE and the Linear Equalizer to use the same type of noise processing. In addition, if the type of noise processing used is Process Spectrum, the Input Noise Bandwidth settings are available and also forced to be the same for both equalizers.
What function do I address this command to?
Always address the :SPRocess:RRX:PNOise
command to the Reference Rx's output function. In the following figure of the Reference Rx Setup dialog's operator diagram, this would be Function 2. In this case, the command would be:
:SPRocess2:RRX:PNOise PRMS

If you change the tracking or the bandwidth settings for any of the three equalizers, FlexDCA will automatically change the corresponding setting in the other two equalizers to match.
If an additional CTLE, Linear, or TDECQ equalizer operator is placed on the Waveform Signal Processing window independent of the Reference Rx, its aliased noise processing settings are independent of the any settings made within the Reference Rx operator.
The DFE equalizer does not offer Aliased Noise Processing.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.07.80 and above.