Command Syntax
Where N identifies one of up to 64 possible operators {1:64} that can be defined as part of a math function. The operators are numbered in the order that they were originally added to the function.
On the Reference Rx operator, initiates a re-calculation of the automatic tap values for any and all secondary FFE, TDECQ, and DFE equalizers that have their Automatic Taps setting turned on. For example,
. Do not follow the :SPRocess:RRX:RECalculate
command with an *OPC?
What function do I address this command to?
Always address the :SPRocess:RRX:RECalculate
command to the Reference Rx's output function. In the following figure of the Reference Rx Setup dialog's operator diagram, this would be Function 2. In this case, the command would be:
:SPRocess2:RRX:RECalculate 1.5e9

Requires FlexDCA revision A.07.80 and above.
Example Command Sequence
:SPRocess2:TEQualizer:TAPS:AUTO ON :SPRocess2:DFEQualizer:TAPS:AUTO ON :SPRocess2:RRX:RECalculate