Command Syntax
:SPRocessN:RRX:RPOint [STARt | ASOPerator2 | ASOPerator3 | ASOPerator4]
Where N identifies one of up to 64 possible operators {1:64} that can be defined as part of a math function. The operators are numbered in the order that they were originally added to the function.
Query Syntax
Sets the reference point for the Reference Rx operator. By default, the reference point (reference waveform) for the operator is the operator's input waveform (1A in the following picture). But, you can drag the REF icon to the output of any internal equalizer as shown in the following picture. In the picture, the REF has been dragged to F4 (
The reference point changes the information used to measure TDECQ on the output signal. The OMA value used in calculating TDECQ is made at the reference point and the noise gain is calculated between the reference point and the output of the operator.
Command arguments
- Sets the reference point to the Reference Rx operator's input waveform.
- ASOPerator2
- Sets the reference point to the output of the first secondary operator which, if selected, is the CTLE equalizer.
- ASOPerator3
- Sets the reference point to the output of the middle secondary operator which, if selected, is a Linear or TDECQ equalizer.
- ASOPerator4
- Sets the reference point to the output of the last secondary operator which, if selected, is the DFE equalizer.
What function do I address this command to?
Always address the :SPRocess:RRX:RPOint
command to the Reference Rx's output function. In the following figure of the Reference Rx Setup dialog's operator diagram, this would be Function 2. In this case, the command would be:
:SPRocess2:RRX:RPOint STARt

Requires FlexDCA revision A.07.80 and above.
Example Command Sequence
:FUNCtion2:FOPerator RRX :FUNCtion2:SOPerator2 CTLequalizer :FUNCtion2:SOPerator3 FFEQualizer :FUNCtion2:SOPerator4 DFEQualizer :FUNCtion2:COLor TCOLor14 :FUNCtion2:DISPlay ON :FUNCtion3:COLor TCOLor6 :FUNCtion3:DISPlay ON :FUNCtion4:COLor TCOLor4 :FUNCtion4:DISPlay ON :FUNCtion5:COLor TCOLor5 :FUNCtion5:DISPlay ON :SPRocess2:RRX:RPOint ASOPerator3