
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:

Command Syntax

:TPRogram:SETup:EDIMage:COLor <color>

Where <color> is selected from {CGRade | RED | ORANge | YELLow | GREen | CYAN | BLUE | PURPle | MAGenta | GRAY}.

Query Syntax



When adding new lines to a Test Program, selects the color used for a waveform when an eye diagram is saved to an graphics file.

To specify that an image be saved with the measurement results, add the EDIMage argument to the :TPRogram:SETup:MEASurements command. The CGRade (Color Grade) option applies a range of colors that represent hit density in the waveform database. The remaining options create a monotone image in the selected color.

The command applies to all added lines in the Test Program and is equivalent to the Color field in the Test Program Measurement Setup dialog. To apply this setting to only a selected line in the Test Program, use the :TPRogram:SLINe:EDIMage:COLor command.