:TPRogram Subsystem

Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:

Use the commands in the :TPRogram subsystem to create, edit, and run a test program. The following SCPI nodes are available:

  • :TPRogram:SETup SCPI node which creates a Station's Test Program.
  • :TPRogram:SLINe SCPI node which edits an existing line of a Test Program.
  • :TPRogram:RUN? query to run your Test Program. In addition to starting the Test Program, this query returns a comma delimited string of the running Job ID numbers. The Job ID numbers are passed to the :JOBS subsystem commands to identify job results (including measurements) to return. Note that Job IDs are not the same as Test Program line numbers.

:TPRogram commands can only be sent to a FlexOTO Station. Sending these commands to FlexOTO Hardware Diagram will result in an error.

To create your Test Program

  1. Select Fixture/Lane combinations for assigning measurements and parameters settings using the :TPRogram:SETup:FIXTure and :TPRogram:SETup:FIXTure:LANE. You can select multiple lanes, which results in multiple test lines in the Test Program with one test line for each lane.
  2. Select and configure measurements and parameter settings using commands in the :TPRogram:SETup SCPI node.
  3. Add the defined test lines using the :TPRogram:SETup:ADD command.
  4. Repeat to add more Fixture/Lane test lines.

If you need to clear the lines of an existing Test Program, use the :TPRogram:REMove:ALL command.

To edit existing Test Program lines

  1. Select the test line to edit using the :TPRogram:SLINe:INDex command.
  2. Edit measurement and parameter settings using commands in the :TPRogram:SLINe SCPI node.

To remove an existing test line, use the :TPRogram:SLINe:REMove command. Use the :TPRogram:SLINe:ENABle command to exclude a test line from being executed when your Test Program is run.

The following commands replace the existing measurements selected for Test Program line number 7 and replace them with the TDEQ, OOMA, and OER measurements:

:TPRogram:SLINe:INDex 3

Measurement Options

Measurements Affected by Configuration Settings (PAM4 Waveform)
Measurement Power Units Outer ER Units Linearity Definition Target Transition Target Hit Ratio
:TPRogram:SETup:PUNits :TPRogram:SETup:ERUNits :TPRogram:SETup:LDEFinition :TPRogram:SETup:TRANsition :TPRogram:SETup:THRatio
Average Power
Ceq Noise Gain
Outer ER
Outer OMA
Peak-Peak Power
Transition Time
Tx Power Excursion