
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:

Command Syntax

:TPRogram:SETup:EDIMage:COLor <color>

Where <color> is selected from {CGRade | RED | ORANge | YELLow | GREen | CYAN | BLUE | PURPle | MAGenta | GRAY}.

Query Syntax



For a Station's selected Test Program line, selects the color used for a waveform when an eye diagram is saved to an graphics file.

To specify that an image be saved with the measurement results, add the EDIMage argument to the :TPRogram:SLINe:MEASurements command. The CGRade (Color Grade) option applies a range of colors that represent hit density in the waveform database. The remaining options create a monotone image in the selected color.

The command only applies to a selected line in the Test Program and is equivalent to the Color field in the Selected Test Line Setup dialog. When adding new lines to a Test Program, use the :TPRogram:SETup:EDIMage:COLor command.