File | Instrument | Response | Stimulus | Utility | Cal | Apps | Remote ONLY
Description |
Create an FCA measurement |
Change an FCA measurement |
Sweep type |
Map DUT ports to PNA ports |
Read Input port map |
Read Output port map |
Avoid Spurs |
Minimum required FCA (SMC and VMC) Cal commands SCPI and COM examples. |
Create Cal object |
None |
Begin Cal |
Set connector type for each port |
Set Cal Kit for each port |
Returns the number of steps required by the Calibration |
Returns the step description. |
Measure a standard |
Generate Error Terms |
Optional FCA (SMC and VMC) commands |
Set THRU method |
Sets ECAL auto-orientation ON or OFF |
Sets ECAL port map when orientation is off. |
Perform or Omit Isolation |
SMC network embed/deembed |
SMC filename |
SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:SMC:FSIMulator:NETWork:FILename |
Import existing Phase Ref Cal or Source Power Cal |
Use Thru or perform separate power cals |
Include Reverse SC12 sweep |
Include input/output match correction |
Use Nominal Incident Power |
Enable LO Power Cal |
Save to s2p and s2px file |
Load Power Table (used with mmWave) |
Enable Phase |
Enable Absolute Phase |
Set normalize point |
Choose known delay or S2P |
Set known delay |
Set Cal Mixer Char S2P filename |
Use Phase Ref Cal Set |
Perform SMC Phase Reference Cal |
Reset |
Start Freq |
Stop Freq |
Read channel number |
Read all Phase Reference IDs |
Set Phase Reference |
Set Source Attenuator |
Set Cal Set name |
None |
Perform Cal |
Use Phase Ref Cal Set |
Unknown Mixer calibration state |
Unknown mixer LO frequency |
Unknown mixer LO power |
Input power level to the unknown mixer |
Connector type and gender of your Cal Kit. |
Cal Kit to be used to perform the S-parameter Cal |
Set the ports to be calibrated. |
Reverse Port2 Coupler |
VMC network embed/deembed |
VMC filename |
SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:VMC:FSIMulator:NETWork:FILename |
Enable LO Power Cal |
SCPI examples. |
Recalculate |
Segment Calculate |
Query Count |
Add Segments |
Delete Segments |
Remove All Segments |
State |
Number Of Points |
Input Fixed Freq |
Input Start Freq |
Input Stop Freq |
Input Fixed/Swept |
Input Power |
Output Fixed Freq |
Output Start Freq |
Output Stop Freq |
Output Fixed/Swept |
Output (+/-) |
Output Power |
LO Fixed Freq |
LO Start Freq |
LO Stop Freq |
LO Fixed/Swept |
Input >LO |
LO Power |
IF (+/-) |
Embedded LO (used with FCA, NFX, GCX, MODX, and Swept IMDx) |
Embedded LO ON | OFF |
Select tuning point |
Set tuning mode |
Set broadband sweep span |
Set precise tuning tolerance |
Set precise tuning iterations |
LO delta frequency |
Resets tuning parameters |
Reset LO Delta frequency |
Resets the LO Frequency Delta and Tuning parameters to their default settings. |
Sets and returns the Noise Bandwidth for Broadband and Precise tuning sweeps. |
Embedded LO Diagnostics (Available with Swept IMDx using COM ONLY) |
Clear current diagnostic information |
Get result of the last tuning sweeps. |
Get number of tuning sweeps. |
Was a marker was used for a tuning sweep? |
Get the marker X-axis position. |
Get the marker annotation. |
Get the tuning sweep X axis annotation. |
Get the tuning sweep Y axis annotation. |
Get the Start sweep value. |
Get the Stop sweep value. |
Returns the tuning sweep parameter name. |
Returns the tuning sweep title. |
Returns the LO frequency delta from this tuning sweep |
Create a GCA Meas |
Change a GCA Parameter |
Sweep Type |
Number of frequency points |
Number of power points |
Maximum number of points |
None |
Total number of points |
None |
Acquisition mode |
Smart tolerance |
Smart Iterations |
Smart settling time |
Smart show iterations |
Read DC at compression point |
Read compression failures |
Write port map |
Read Port Map (Input) |
Read Port Map (Output) |
Remaps the source port to Port 1. |
End of Sweep |
Linear input power |
Reverse Power |
Start power |
Stop power |
Compression algorithm |
Compression Level |
Backoff Level |
X Delta |
Y Delta |
Saturation level |
Interpolation |
Set and read the desired phase to measure compression. |
Set and read compression format to be either magnitude, phase, or magnitude and phase. |
Safe Sweep enable |
Safe Sweep coarse |
Safe Sweep fine |
Safe Sweep threshold |
Safe Sweep max power |
Set and read the name of the external DC device. |
Set and read the maximum limit of the external DC device. |
Set and read the DC readings at the compression point in the last iteration of a smart sweep |
GCA/GCX Phase Commands |
Set and read the state of the mixer reference. |
Set and read the aperture to use when computing the linear input power. |
Set and read the state of the power smoothing. |
Set and read the power smoothing aperture in percent. |
Read all GCA data |
Read real GCA data |
Read imaginary GCA data |
Read number of iterations |
Enable a compression analysis trace |
Set CW frequency |
Set to discrete or interpolated CW frequencies |
Sets X-axis display |
Read about GCA Cal |
Gain Compression Cal |
Set power for source power cal |
Set connector type for power sensor. |
Set cal kit for power sensor connector. |
Guided Cal commands |
Create Noise Figure meas |
Change Noise Figure meas |
Sets the number of impedance states to use |
Select Noise Receiver |
Noise averaging ON and OFF |
Set averaging of noise receiver. |
Set narrowband state |
Set bandwidth of noise receiver. |
Set gain state of noise receiver. |
Sets the port identifier of the ECal noise tuner that is connected to the PNA Source. |
Sets the port identifier of the ECal noise tuner that is connected to the DUT. |
Set and read a custom noise tuner file to be used instead of the one generated automatically based on the state. |
Sets the state of the custom noise tuner file. |
Set the excess noise source ON or OFF. |
Set mechanical switches |
Write port mapping |
Read input port mapping |
Read output port mapping |
Read noise parameter SNP data |
Write noise parameters to SNP file |
Set and read the state of the thru adapter de-embedding. |
Set ENR calibration data. |
PutENRData |
Read ENR calibration data. |
GetENRData |
Get/set ID of ENR table. |
Get/set serial number of noise source. |
Sets/Returns the value of the temperature in the ENR file in Kelvin. |
NoiseCalTemperature |
Load ENR table from file. |
LoadENRFile |
Save ENR table to file. |
SaveENRFile |
Frequency |
Coupling |
Power |
Phase |
Match Correction |
SENSe:SA:COHerence:VECTor:AVERage:VALue | ||
SENSe:SA:LO:FREQ:FORCe (obsolete) |
SENSe:SA:LO:FREQ:VALue (obsoliete) |
Sets and reads the bandwidth of the band density marker. |
Returns the band density level in dBm/Hz from the band density marker. |
Marker to SA |
Read Band Power |
Read/Set Band Power Span |
Read/Set Band Power State |
Sets and reads the state of the band density noise marker. |
Sets and reads the bandwidth of the band power density marker. |
Sets and reads the state of the band power density marker. |
Sets and reads the bandwidth of the band tone density marker. |
Sets and reads the state of the band tone density marker. |
Sets and reads the spacing of the band tone density marker. |
Sets and reads the frequency span used by Power Density to normalize the power. |
Read occupied bandwidth center frequency |
Set and read occupied bandwidth percentage of span |
Read the occupied bandwidth power. |
Read occupied bandwidth span |
Set occupied bandwidth state |
Zooms in on signal within a SA sweep. |
Mixer Setup commandsUsed for FCA, Swept IMDx, IMx Spectrum, NFx, and GCx applications. See the Mixer / Converter Setup topic |
Create or Change a Custom (Application) Measurement |
Create a custom measurement |
Change a custom measurement |
Return handle to a converter object |
None |
Mixer Bottom Buttons and X-Axis display |
Load a mixer setup |
Save a mixer setup |
Apply mixer settings |
Discard Changes |
X-axis display |
Calculate Input and Output frequencies |
Input to swept or fixed |
Input start frequency |
Input stop frequency |
Input power level |
Input fixed frequency |
Set LO |
LO freq fixed or swept |
LO fixed frequency |
LO start frequency |
LO stop frequency |
Input Greater / Less that LO |
Set IF |
Sideband (high or low) |
IF start frequency |
IF stop frequency |
Set Output |
Sideband (high or low) |
Output start frequency |
Output stop frequency |
Output to swept or fixed |
Output fixed frequency |
LO power |
LO power start |
LO power stop |
Source Attenuator |
Receiver Attenuator |
Leveling Mode |
Number of LOs (1 or 2) |
Recall a previously-configured external source. |
Assign a source to mixer input or LO. |
Read all assigned roles |
Read the source assigned to a role. |
Input Numerator Frac.Mult |
Input Denominator Frac.Mult |
LO Numerator Frac. Mult. |
LO Denominator Frac.Mult |
Setup and execution of TDR measurement Commands |
Sets the type of parameter and format allocation for each trace. |
Sets the DUT topology. |
Sets the emphasis post1 level. |
Sets the emphasis post2 level. |
Sets the emphasis pre1 level. |
Turns the emphasis function state ON or OFF. |
Sets the equalization CTLE DC gain parameter. |
Sets the equalization CTLE Pole1 parameter. |
Sets the equalization CTLE Pole2 parameter. |
Sets the equalization CTLE zero parameter. |
Sets the filename of the equalization equation user file. |
Turns the equalization function state ON or OFF. |
Sets the equalization type. |
Executes the calculation for the simulated eye diagram for the active trace. |
Sets the bits' power of 2 for a PRBS pattern. |
Sets the bit pattern type for the simulated eye function. |
Sets the bit rate in bits/sec for the simulated eye function. |
Sets the display limit value. |
Sets the periodic jitter frequency. |
Sets the periodic jitter magnitude in rms. |
Sets the random jitter magnitude in rms |
Turns the jitter function state with simulated eye ON or OFF. |
Sets the jitter function type for the simulated eye function. |
Sets the voltage level for bit "1" for the simulated eye function. |
Sets the rise time value for the simulated eye function. |
Sets the rise time threshold for the simulated eye. |
Sets the voltage level for bit "0" for the simulated eye function. |
Returns the mask test result. |
Turns the mask test function state with simulated eye ON or OFF. |
Returns the results of the eye measurement. |
Turns the overlay ON or OFF. |
Sets the rise time threshold level for the results of eye measurement. |
Turns the Eye/Mask window ON or OFF. |
Sets active marker number. |
Returns the delta time result value. |
Sets delta time reference position. |
Turns the delta time marker in the marker search ON or OFF. |
Sets the target trace number for the delta time function. |
Sets the trace format. |
Sets the measurement parameter. |
Sets state for the peeling function. |
Sets state for the smoothing function. |
Sets the impulse width value for the transform function. |
Sets rise time value for the transform function. |
Sets the rise time threshold level for the results of eye measurement. |
Sets the stimulus type for the transform function. |
Returns the rise time result value for marker search. |
Displays the rise time marker. |
Sets the rise time threshold for the rise time in the marker search function. |
Display TDR Commands |
Turns the continuous auto-scale mode for the eye y-axis ON or OFF. |
Sets the value of the y-axis scale per division for eye diagram. |
Sets the value of the eye diagram y-axis reference line. |
Sets the value of the eye diagram y-axis reference position. |
Changes the background color of the screen. |
Sets the display to off, data type, memory type, or data and memory type. |
Executes x-axis auto scaling. |
Sets the value of the x-axis scale per division. |
Sets the value of the x-axis reference line. |
Executes y-axis auto scaling. |
Sets the x-axis reference position for the time domain measurement. |
Selects the view point for waveform analysis either before or after the DUT. |
Sets or gets the minimize state. |
Memory TDR Commands |
Loads the specified user bit pattern file. |
Loads eye-mask file. |
Stores the user bit pattern file. |
Stores the eye-mask file. |
Correction TDR Commands |
Executes load measurement. |
Executes open measurement. |
Saves the result of the Loss Compensation sequence. |
Executes a thru measurement. |
Executes fixture compensation after ECAL. |
Executes full calibration using the ECal module. |
Sets the dielectric constant value. |
Executes deskew (auto port extension). |
Sets the standard type for auto port extension. |
Enable Loss Compensation in Fixture Compensation |
Set start frequency in Fixture Compensation |
Set stop frequency in Fixture Compensation |
Sets the reference impedance value. |
Bandwidth, DUT information, avoid spurious function, and sweep TDR Commands |
Sets the IF bandwidth value. |
Executes auto DUT length setting. |
Sets the DUT length value. |
Executes avoid spurious. |
Queries the avoid spurious state. |
Sets the value of input bit rate for avoid spurious. |
Queries the Hot TDR mode status. |
Sets the TDR averaging trigger state on/off. |
Sets trigger mode. |
Executes single trigger. |
Enables/disables the Reduce IF BW at Low Frequencies feature in segments with IFBW arbitrary. |
Source Power Level TDR Command |
Sets the source power level. |
Preset TDR Command |
Executes a TDR preset. |
Sets whether or not interpolation is on for display. |
DisplayInterpolationState |
Set and read a fixed input power level. |
DisplayInputPower |
Set and read the number of phase points. |
PhaseSweepPoints |
Set and read the start power level for a 3D sweep. |
StartPowerIn3DSweep |
Set and read the number of power steps for a 3D sweep. |
PowerStepsIn3DSweep |
Set and read the stop power level for a 3D sweep. |
StopPowerIn3DSweep |
Set and read the sweep type. |
SweepType |
Set and read the tuning tone mode. |
ExtractionToneMode |
Set and read the absolute tone power level. |
AbsoluteExtractionToneLevel |
Set and read the tone power relative to the input power (dBc). |
RelativeExtractionToneLevel |
Set and read the X-axis domain type. |
DisplayDomain |
Sets and returns the noise bandwidth. |
Enable or disable setting the noise bandwidth to its maximum possible value. |
Selects between a narrow and wide IF filter anti-aliasing path. |
This command launches the Receiver IF Cal. |
SENSe<cnum>:DISTortion:CORRection:COLLect:IF:ACQuire [SYNChronous | ASYNchronous] |
Identifies the normalization used for the EVM measurements. |
Sets and returns the frequency span window used for modeling the DUT's gain and distortion. |
Enable or disable automatic calculation of the frequency span window used for modeling the DUT's gain and distortion. |
Sets and returns the integration bandwidth (IBW) of the lower ACP measurement. |
Sets and returns the lower ACP measurement offset. |
Sets and returns the integration bandwidth (IBW) of the upper ACP measurement. |
Sets and returns the upper ACP measurement offset. |
Adds a new distortion measurement band. |
Automatically fills in the measurement settings for all bands from the currently active modulation file loaded in the source. |
Sets and returns the carrier (Signal) integration bandwidth (IBW) for the distortion measurement. |
Sets and returns the carrier offset (Signal). |
Queries the total number of distortion measurement bands. |
Deletes the specified distortion measurement band. |
Deletes all existing bands and adds a single default band back into the Measurement Band Table. |
Assigns a name to the specified distortion measurement band. |
Sets and returns the notch integration bandwidth (IBW) for an NPR Notch modulation measurement. |
Sets and returns the notch offset for an NPR Notch modulation measurement. |
Set and read the modulation distortion type. |
Sets the measurement filter to either None (default) or RRC (root-raised-cosine filter) |
Sets and returns the Alpha factor of the measurement filter. |
Sets and returns the Symbol Rate of the filter. |
Enables or disables using the symbol rate from the file. |
Sets and returns the distortion modulation source name. |
Sets and returns the VNA port number connected to the DUT input. |
Sets and returns the nominal DUT gain. |
Sets and returns the nominal DUT noise figure. |
Include or exclude the NF nominal value. |
None |
Sets and returns the VNA port number connected to the DUT output. |
Enables or disables the external modulated source to pass through the attenuator of the specified PNA source |
Sets and returns the nominal gain of an external source amplifier. |
Enables or disables receiver timing auto generation from the source pulse timing. |
Sets and returns the carrier center frequency. |
Selects between a ramp type power sweep or a list of power values to define a power sweep. |
Adds a new row to the power sweep list table. |
Deletes the specified row from the power sweep list table. |
Sets and returns the power level used for the specified row in the power sweep list table. |
Specifies the file path to recall a previous power sweep list file. |
Sets and returns the noise bandwidth setting used for the specified row in the power sweep list table. |
Selects the noise bandwidth mode in the power sweep list table. |
Sets and returns the number of power points to measure for the power sweep list measurement. |
Sets and returns the receiver attenuation for the specified row in the power sweep list table. |
SENSe:DISTortion:SWEep:POWer:CARRier:LIST:RECeiver:ATTenuation |
Selects the receiver attenuation mode in the power sweep list table. |
SENSe:DISTortion:SWEep:POWer:CARRier:LIST:RECeiver:ATTenuation:MODE |
Specifies the file path to save a power sweep list file. |
Sets and returns the source attenuation for the specified row in the power sweep list table. |
SENSe:DISTortion:SWEep:POWer:CARRier:LIST:SOURce:ATTenuation |
Selects the source attenuation mode in the power sweep list table. |
SENSe:DISTortion:SWEep:POWer:CARRier:LIST:SOURce:ATTenuation:MODE |
Sets and returns the starting power level for the power sweep ramp measurement. |
Sets and returns the stop power level for the power sweep ramp measurement. |
Enable or disable increasing noise bandwidth at high powers automatically for faster measurements. |
Sets and returns the number of power points to measure for the power sweep ramp measurement. |
Enable or disable the re-use of the previous linear S-parameter measurements if available and skip sweep. |
Enable or disable noise sweep used for the distortion test. |
Enables or disables S-parameter sweep. |
Sets and returns the power level used to measure the DUT gain when operating in its linear region. |
Sets and returns the IF bandwidth for the linear S21 sweep. |
Sets and returns the step size for the linear S21 sweep. |
Selects between a chirp signal from the external signal generator or an internal CW signal in the VNA for measuring S-parameters. |
Sets and returns the power level used for the distortion test at either the input or output of the DUT. |
Set and read where to apply power to the DUT (input or output). |
Keeps RF power ON at the End of Sweep. |
Sets and returns the delay in seconds before the test signal to allow the RF source to settle. |
Selects between a fixed or power sweep type of sweep. |
Specifies the file path to save a modulation distortion table file. |
Sort distortion table by band or power. |
LO Feedthru Monitor Commands |
Return the last monitor result of LO feedthru monitor. |
Return the last monitor value of LO feedthru monitor. |
Set and read the target receiver for LO Feedthru monitor. |
Set and read the LO feedthru monitoring state. |
Set and read the threshold level for warning. |
Set and read the monitoring method for LO feedthru monitor. |
Calibrate Source Modulation Commands |
Set and read the ACP modulation calibration state. |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations for the lower ACP modulation calibration. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:ACP:LOWer:ITERations |
Sets and reads the receiver for the lower ACP modulation calibration. |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a lower ACP modulation calibration. |
Sets and reads the desired ACP calibration tolerance for the lower ACP modulation calibration. |
Enables or disables the upper ACP (ACPUp) modulation calibration. |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations for the upper ACP modulation calibration. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:ACP:UPPer:ITERations |
Sets and reads the receiver for the upper ACP modulation calibration. |
Sets and reads the calibration span for an upper ACP modulation calibration. |
Sets and reads the desired ACP calibration tolerance for the upper ACP modulation calibration. |
Setsand reads the ACP lower frequency delta from the edge of the carrier to the beginning of the Cal Span. |
Sets and reads the ACP upper frequency delta from the edge of the carrier to the beginning of the calibration span. |
Enable or disable the distortion calibration state. |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:DISTortion:ITERations |
Sets and reads the receiver for distortion calibration. |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a distortion calibration. |
Sets and reads the desired distortion calibration tolerance. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:DISTortion:TOLerance |
Enable or disable the equalization calibration state. |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:EQUalization:ITERations |
Sets and reads the receiver for equalization calibration. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:EQUalization:RECeiver |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a equalization calibration. |
Sets and reads the desired equalization calibration tolerance. |
SOURce:MODulation:CORRection:COLLection:EQUalization:TOLerance |
Returns a list of the calibrations stored in the .mdx file. |
Deletes any of the calibration files stored in the .mdx file. |
Returns the frequency of the specified source modulation calibration file. |
Returns the power level of the specified source modulation calibration file. |
Append source modulation calibration files stored in the .mdx file. |
Sets and reads a fixed frequency. |
Sets and reads the number of frequency measurement points. |
Sets and reads the start frequency to use for a swept frequency source modulation calibration. |
Sets and reads the stop frequency to use for a swept frequency calibration. |
Sets and reads the calibration frequency type to fixed or swept. |
Enable or disable the LO feedthru calibration state. |
Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. |
Sets and reads the receiver for LO feedthru modulation calibration. |
Sets and reads the calibration span for a LO feedthru modulation calibration. |
Sets and reads the desired LO feedthru modulation calibration tolerance. |
Sets and reads a fixed power level. |
Sets and reads the number of power measurement points. |
Sets and reads the start power level to use for a swept calibration. |
Sets and reads the stop power level to use for a swept calibration. |
Sets and reads the calibration power type to fixed or swept. |
Create/Edit Modulation File |
Sets and reads the source sample rate. |
Specifies the file path to recall a previous modulation file. |
Sets and reads the source sample rate. |
Sets and reads the Carrier offset value. |
Sets and reads the number of compact modulation files to create. |
Sets and reads the compact modulation file selection. |
Specifies the file path to recall a previous modulation file from which to create a compact signal. |
Returns the peak-to-average value of the original signal. |
Returns the peak-to-average value of the signal created from the original signal. |
Sets and reads the Peak-to-Avg priority for Compact signals. |
Allows setup of multiple carriers when defining a multicarrier signal. |
Sets and reads the offset of the selected subcarrier. |
Sets and reads the span of the selected subcarrier. |
Sets and reads where to start the compact signal within the original signal. |
Returns the calculated start time of the signal created from the original signal. |
SOURce:MODulation:FILE:SIGNal:COMPact:TIME:STARt:CALCulated? |
Sets and reads the start time priority for Compact signals. |
Sets and reads the DAC scale as a percentage of full scale. |
Sets the NPR notch location type for the selected NPR Notch modulation type. |
Sets and reads the number of NPR notches for NPR Notch modulation type. |
Sets and reads the NPR notch offset frequency of the selected notch. |
Sets and reads the span of the selected notch. |
Enables or disables signal optimization settings. |
Sets and reads the number of decimal digits limit for calculated frequencies. |
SOURce:MODulation:FILE:SIGNal:OPTimize:FREQuency:LIMit:DDIGits |
Enables or disables the number of decimal digits limit for calculated frequencies. |
SOURce:MODulation:FILE:SIGNal:OPTimize:FREQuency:LIMit:ENABle |
Sets and reads the frequency tolerance value (in percent). |
Sets and reads the number of test signal harmonics you want to be protected against. |
Sets and reads the maximum distance between each tone. |
Sets and reads the minimum number of tones. |
Sets and reads theminimum waveform period. |
Enables or disables the rejection of Nyquist frequencies. |
Sets the optimize signal type. |
Returns the calculated peak-to-average value. |
Sets and reads the phase when Fixed phase is the Phase Type. |
Sets and reads the phase seed when Random phase is the Phase Type. |
Sets the phase type. |
Sets and reads the signal span. |
Returns the calculated signal span. |
Sets and reads the signal span priority. |
Sets and reads the source sample rate. |
Returns the calculated sampling rate of the signal created from the original signal. |
Set and read the auto sample rate. |
Sets and reads the number of tones. |
Returns the calculated number of tones. |
Sets and reads the tone number priority. |
Sets and reads the tone spacing. |
Returns the calculated spacing between the tones. |
Sets and reads the tone spacing priority. |
Returns the number of tones. |
Returns the tone frequency in Hz relative to the carrier. |
Sets and reads the power in dBm of the specified tone number. |
Sets and reads the phase in degrees of the specified tone number. |
Set specified tone state to on or off. |
Set all tone states to on or off. |
Saves the specified multitone file. |
Loads the specified multitone file. |
Sets the modulation type. |
Distortion Table Commands |
Returns the currently displayed Distortion Table parameters. |
Deletes the specified parameter from the Distortion Table. |
Adds the specified parameter to the Distortion Table. |
Returns a list of existing band names from the Measurement Band Table. |
Returns a list of data parameter names corresponding to the currently specified Measurement Type. |
Returns a list of data values from the Distortion Table for the specified band and parameter name. |
Modulation Distortion Marker Commands |
Set and read the SA marker function type. |
Sets and reads the integration bandwidth marker. |
Sets and reads the ACPR density marker. |
Sets and reads the NPR density marker. |
Executes the search ACPR density marker. |
Executes the search NPR density marker. |
Measurement Data |
Retrieves trace data (Y data) from the modulation distortion measurement. |
Retrieves frequency tone data from the modulation distortion measurement. |