
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:
Waveform type:

Maximum is the maximum amplitude of the waveform's displayed power or voltage.

The maximum level is taken directly from the histogram data. The measurement can be restricted to a measurement region. A level annotation label is placed at the maximum result. The entire screen is the interval over which the measurement is made.

This measurement is compatible with PAM4 signals. PAM measurement capability requires the Research and Developement or Manufacturing package license or the legacy PAM-N Analysis license.

The measurement can be performed on any waveform that is displayed in one of a Waveform content windows.

Configurable Measurement Parameters

This measurement is not affected by setting in the Configure Base Measurements dialog.

To measure

  1. Click the toolbar's Amplitude tab.
  2. Click the toolbar's More buttons to locate the Maximum button.
  3. Click the button.
  4. If measurement regions are enabled, the Select Measurement Region, Setting dialog is displayed. Select the area over which the measurement is to be performed: a Region or the Entire Display.

SCPI Command
