Command Syntax
:FEYE:VIEW {PRIMary | SESSion{1:15}}
Query Syntax
In FlexEye's graphical user interface, selects the Hardware Diagram or a Station tab to view. In the case of a session, this allows you to see the signals. In the case of the Hardware Diagram tab, this can allow a user to make changes to FlexEye configuration. The :FEYE:VIEW
command can be sent or queried while FlexEye is in the running or paused state (:FEYE:STATe
command). This command also works regardless of the state of a child process. There may be no child process started for the session, or the child process can be currently running or completely finished.
If you want to allow front panel control for the displayed tab, send the :SYSTem:GTLocal
command. For a Station tab, send :SYSTem:GTLocal
to the VISA address for the session. For the Hardware Diagram tab, send :SYSTem:GTLocal
to the primary VISA address. After sending the :SYSTem:GTLocal
command, the next command that you send returns FlexDCA to remote control.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.40 and above.
Example Command