
Meas. mode:
Publish mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:REPository:MEASure:PAM:OJITter:SELection <row index>,<column index>,<row index>,<column index>, …

Where <row index>,<column index> values identify an individual measurement. For example, three measurements could be represented by "2,1,3,4,5,3".

Query Syntax



For the Selected publishing mode, selects to publish one or more Jitter Mode's measurements that are listed in the Output Jitter panel. Measurements are identified using an index that represents the measurement's location in the panel. The location of Output Jitter measurements is a two-value index in the form of '<row index>,<column index>'. This is unusual for results panels as the index is usually a single-value index.

In this picture, the index for a J4u measurement on the rising level 1-to-2 edge transition (R12) has a location index of "4,3". Programmatically, you can return the index using the measurement's child :LOCation? query.

Example Command Sequence

To return the location of the J4u R12 measurement, you would use these commands.

FlexDCA.write(':MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:J4U:DISPlay ON')
FlexDCA.write(':MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:JRMS:DISPlay ON')
FlexDCA.write(':MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:EOJ:DISPlay ON')
FlexDCA.write(':REPository:MEASure:PMODe SELected')
FlexDCA.write(':MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:J4U:ECATegory R12')
index = FlexDCA.query(':MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:J4U:LOCation?')
FlexDCA.write(':REPository:MEASure:PAM:OJITter:SELection ' + index)

To return a valid location index, the measurement must be displayed in the panel. If the measuremenet is not displayed in the table, the index "–1,–1" is returned.


Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.70 and above.

Starting with FlexDCA revision A.06.02, a FlexDCA license is no longer required to use FlexDCA with the N8844A Data Analytics Web Service Software.

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