
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:

Command Syntax

:TPRogram:SLINe:INSTrument ["instrument-name"]

Where <instrument-name> is a name string that identifies an Instrument block on the Hardware Diagram. Only one instrument can be identified. Be sure to include the double quote (") characters on both sides of the entire string. The string can include up to 20 valid Windows file name characters.

Query Syntax


Query Response


A comma delimited string of all Instruments selected to be included in the Test Program.


When editing an existing line of a Test Program, this command selects one measurement Instrument to be included on the line. When the Test Program is run, this Instrument will perform one or more measurements. Note the following rules:

  • If the line already contains a different Instrument, the Instrument is replaced.
  • If the line already includes some of FlexOTO's standard measurements, the standard measurements are replaced by the new Instrument.

This command is equivalent to the User Measurements settings field in the Test Program Measurement Setup dialog.

To disable all Instruments from the Test Plan line, send this command without any arguments.

To include Instruments when creating new lines of a Test Program, use the :TPRogram:SETup:INSTruments command.

Measurement Instruments are added FlexOTO by writing an instrument driver.