Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CHANnelN:SIRC  {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}

Where N identifies a specific channel and must be selected from {1:8}{A|B|C|D}. For example, CHANnel3C.

Query Syntax


Query Response

{1 | 0}


Turns on or off the application of channel SIRC (System Impulse Response Capability) data for N1092, N1060A, N1046A, 86105C, 86105D, 86115D, or 86116C modules with Option IRC. The correction data compensates for the optical module's specific response. This ensures that eye diagrams appear identical between different modules.

Requires an N1092, N1060A, N1046A, 86105C, 86105D, 86115D, or 86116C module with Option IRC.

Pattern lock must be turned on (:TRIGger:PLOCk) before you can apply SIRC data.

Example Command Sequence

The following example code for selecting hardware and SIRC filters for a TDEC measurement.

:CHANnel5A:FSELect:RATe 25.78125E+9 # Select 25.78 GBd hardware filter
:CHANnel5A:FSELect:BANDwidth 12.6E+9 # Select TDEC filter
:CHANnel5A:SIRC ON # Turn SIR on
:CHANnel5A:SIRC:FRATe 25.78125E+9 # SIRC 25.78 GBd rate
:CHANnel5A:SIRC:FBANdwidth 12.60E+9 # SIRC TDEC rate