
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CHANnelN:SIRC:FBANdwidth  <bandwidth>

<bandwidth> is a double.

Where N identifies a specific channel and must be selected from {1:8}{A|B|C|D}. For example, CHANnel3C.

Query Syntax



SIRC data is created for specific filter rates and 3 dB bandwidths. Once the SIRC data has been loaded, use this command to select the 3 dB bandwidth or use the :CHANnel:SIRC:FRATe command to select the filter rate. Use the :CHANnel:SIRC:DSTore command to load the SIRC data for the module.

Requires an 86105C, 86105D, 86115D, or 86116C module with Option IRC.

Pattern lock must be turned on (:TRIGger:PLOCk) before you can apply SIRC data.

Parent Command