Command Syntax
:SPRocessN:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize:LENGth <UI>
Where <UI> is unit interval expressed as an integer.
Where N identifies one of up to 64 possible operators {1:64} that can be defined as part of a math function. The operators are numbered in the order that they were originally added to the function.
Query Syntax
When pulse response optimization (
) is on, sets the Pulse Length (Np) in UI. The default value is 200 UI. The minimum value is 8 UI and the maximum is 1000 UI.
For Reference Rx operator, what function do I send this command to?
If the DFE equalizer is a secondary function to the Reference Rx operator, address the :SPRocess:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize:LENGth
command to the Reference Rx function as identified in the following Reference Rx Setup dialog's operator diagram. In the following figure, this would be Function 2 and the command would be:

Pulse response optimization (:SPRocess:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize
) must be on to use this command.
Automatic taps (:SPRocess:DFEQualizer:TAPS:AUTo
) can be on or off when using this command.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.60 and above.