
Command Syntax


Query Syntax


Query Response



When :SPRocess:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize is ON and :SPRocess:DFEQualizer:TAPS:AUTo is ON, specifies the file name to use when an optimized pulse response is automatically saved using the :SPRocess:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize:SAVE command. The file name extension (.txt) is automatically appended if not included in the file name string. The default file name is PulseResponse.txt.

Pulse response optimization (:SPRocess:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize) must be on to use this command.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.60 and above.


The following code results in the following file:


:SPRocess:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize ON
:SPRocess:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize:SAVE:FILE "DUT-7" 
:SPRocess:DFEQualizer:PROPtimize:SAVE ON