
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Query Syntax



This query returns a string that list each optical path that was calibrated along with the loss in that path. Send this command anytime after a calibration has completed. In the returned string:

  • Within the string, semicolons (';') are the delimiter between paths. A colon (':') is the delimiter between a path and its reported loss (dB).
    • <path>:<loss>;<path>:<loss>;<path>:<loss>;...
  • Within a <path> field commas (',') are the delimiter between devices along a path with each device enclosed in brackets ('[' and ']').
    • [<device>],[<device>],[<device>],...
  • Within a <device> field, bars ('|') are the delimiter between in/out ports and device names. When a device does not have an input or output port, that field is simply missing.
    • [<in port>|<device name>|<out port>]

The following drawing shows the fields for a typical path. Note that demiters are shown in the color red. Additional paths can be included for additional switch modules, impairments, and DWDMs.

Example Returned String

In the following listing, line breaks have been added between paths to make the string easier to read in this topic.

[DUT Fixture 1|1],[1|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 1],[A|N1092B-US92000004]:9.065;
[DUT Fixture 1|1],[1|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 2],[B|N1092B-US92000004]:9.143;
[DUT Fixture 1|1],[1|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 3],[In|Fiber Spool|Out],[6|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 1],[A|N1092B-US92000004]:9.822;
[DUT Fixture 1|1],[1|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 3],[In|Fiber Spool|Out],[6|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 2],[B|N1092B-US92000004]:9.183;
[DUT Fixture 1|2],[2|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 1],[A|N1092B-US92000004]:9.241;
[DUT Fixture 1|2],[2|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 2],[B|N1092B-US92000004]:9.734;
[DUT Fixture 1|2],[2|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 3],[In|Fiber Spool|Out],[6|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 1],[A|N1092B-US92000004]:9.342;
[DUT Fixture 1|2],[2|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 3],[In|Fiber Spool|Out],[6|Switch (SL1:X1)|IN 2],[B|N1092B-US92000004]:9.396