
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Command Syntax

:CALibrate:OPTical:RCAMeasure {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}

Query Syntax



For an optical path calibration, turns on or off the Require Confirmation After Measurement setting. Sending this command before the calibration is started globally sets the condition for all path calibrations. If turned on, the current path calibration's success, measured power, and path loss can be queried using the commands shown in the following table. If successful, confirm and accept the path calibration by sending the :CALibrate:OPTical:CONFirm command.

Commands Used to Confirm an Optical Path Calibration
To query an optical path results
Results Query Unit of Measure
Path calibration success :CALibrate:OPTical:STATus?
Optical power of source :CALibrate:OPTical:OPOWer? W
Path loss :CALibrate:OPTical:PLOSs? dB
To confirm the optical path results

You can, if needed, configure an individual path calibration to be different than the global condition. For example, you could turn the setting off at the start of the calibration and when a specific

Requires FlexOTO revision A.07.60 and above.

Example Command Sequence

This example shows .

:CALibrate:OPTical:LOAD:FNAMe "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Optical Calibrations\OpticalCalibration_2024-02-12_1.ocdx"
:CALibrate:OPTical:STEP:SELect 3
:CALibrate:OPTical:OPOWer 4.50E-4
:CALibrate:OPTical:MATTenuation 1.00E+1
:CALibrate:OPTical:LOAD:FNAMe "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Optical Calibrations\OpticalCalibration_2024-updated.ocdx"