
Flex Apps:
FlexOTO Instance:
Hardware Diagram

Query Syntax



Queries a progress message string during an optical calibration. The message is displayed on the dialog that guides the user through a calibration.

Query Responses During Optical Calibration
Complete Example Calibration
Commands with Two 2-lane Fixtures
Query Response
:CAL:OPT:SDONe? Query Response
During a Calibration
"Connect an optical source to Port 1.1 (DUT Fixture 1 Lane 1) and specify the average optical power."
:CAL:OPT:OPOWer 4.2E-4
1 "Connect an optical source to Port 1.2 (DUT Fixture 1 Lane 2) and specify the average optical power."
:CAL:OPT:OPOWer 4.0E-4
2 "Connect an optical source with the appropriate wavelength to Port 2.1 (WDM DUT Fixture 2 Lane 1) and specify the average optical power."
:CAL:OPT:OPOWer 4.1E-4
3 "Connect an optical source with the appropriate wavelength to Port 2.2 (WDM DUT Fixture 2 Lane 1) and specify the average optical power."
:CAL:OPT:OPOWer 3.8E-4
4 "Optical Calibration has completed successfully. The optical calibration data will be saved to the following file: OpticalCalibration_YYYY-MM-DD.ocdx"
:CAL:OPT:CANCel "Optical Calibration has been canceled."
If a calibration is not in progress "No Module Calibration in progress."