Command Syntax
:MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNCValue:LEVel{0|1|2|3} <RN compensation>
<RN compensation> is an double.
Query Syntax
Enters a measured RN compensation value for the specified logic level. The default value is 0V. For NRZ signals, select logic level 0 (zero) or 1. For PAM4 signals, select logic level 0 (zero), 1 (one), 2, or
3. Use the :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNComp
command to turn RN compensation on.

Common Numerical Child Commands
This command supports the use of the following common numerical child commands: :DEFault
, :MAXimum
, :MINimum
, and :STEP
Amplitude analysis must be turned on before the first interference measurement can be made. Use the :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:ANALysis
Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.60 and above.
This command replaces deprecated commands :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNCValue:ONE
and :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNCValue:ZERO