Command Syntax
:MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNSTabilize{? {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}
Query Response
{1 | 0}
Selects RN stabilization, which locks (stabilizes) the value of the measured RN that is used in interference (noise) measurements. Use RN stabilization to prevent any uncorrelated non-Gaussian, non-periodic interference (noise) from falsely contributing to any measured RN value. Use the :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNSValue:ONE
and :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNSValue:ZERO
commands to enter the stabilization values in volts or watts. Use the :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNSValue:GMRN
command to automatically enter the current measured RN value. This RN value will be locked in subsequent jitter measurements.
Amplitude analysis must be turned on before the first interference measurement can be made. Use the :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:ANALysis