
Meas. mode:
Package License:
Waveform type:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNSValue:LEVel{0|1|2|3} <RN stabilization>

<RN stabilization> is an double.

Query Syntax



Enters an RN stabilization value for the specified logic level. The devault value is 0V. Use the :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNSTabilize command to turn RN stabilization on. Manually entering the RN value requires the following steps:

  1. Remove any sources of uncorrelated non-Gaussian, non-periodic noise (for example, cross talk or non-periodic electromagnetic interference).
  2. Set RN stabilization off and measure the RN.
  3. Turn RN stabilization on and reapply the sources of uncorrelated non-Gaussian, non-periodic jitter.

One use of RN stabilization is to prevent cross talk, from an adjacent channel, appearing as noise. Use the :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:RNSValue:GMRN command to automatically enter the current measured RN value. This RN value will be locked in subsequent jitter measurements.

NRZ Waveform
PAM4 Waveform

Common Numerical Child Commands

This command supports the use of the following common numerical child commands: :DEFault, :MAXimum, :MINimum, and :STEP.

Amplitude analysis must be turned on before the first interference measurement can be made. Use the :MEASure:AMPLitude:DEFine:ANALysis command.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.60 and above.