Command Syntax
:SPRocessN:TEQualizer:TAPS:IOPTimize {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}
Where N identifies one of up to 64 possible operators {1:64} that can be defined as part of a math function. The operators are numbered in the order that they were originally added to the function.
Query Syntax
Turns on Iterative Optimization which allows you to define seed taps for the TDECQ operator's Feed Forward equalizer using the
command. Use the :SPRocess:TEQualizer:TAPS:SEED:COPy
command to use the current tap values as seed taps for iterative optimization. Once you have configured you taps, use the :SPRocess:TEQualizer:TAPS:SEED:ENABle
command to enable the seed taps.
Turning Iterative Optimization on disables the use of the TDECQ operator's Decision Feedback Equalizer.
Always follow this command with a *OPC?
query to halt program execution until the command completes.
For Reference Rx operator, what function do I send this command to?
If the TDECQ equalizer is a secondary function to the Reference Rx operator, address the :SPRocess:TEQualizer:TAPS:IOPTimize
command to the Reference Rx function as identified in the following Reference Rx Setup dialog's operator diagram. In the following figure, this would be Function 2 and the command would be:

Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.70 and above.