SETup Subsystem

SETup Subsystem

Last updated: January 5, 2010


The SETup subsystem is used to configure the test set for each measurement. Typical settings include:

Trigger arming for each measurement is controlled in the SETup subsystem. The choices are single or continuous. In most cases, it is a best practice (during remote operation) to use "single" measurement mode. This simplifies the tasks of starting concurrent measurements, using the INIT subsystem commands to determine which measurements are ready to be fetched, then using the FETCh subsystem to obtain results. The command "SETup:CONTinuous:OFF sets all measurements to "single" trigger mode.


Syntax Diagrams and Command Descriptions


SETup:AFANalyzer (AF Analyzer measurements)

SETup:CFDTune (Fast Device Tune measurement) lab application or feature-licensed test application only

SETup:EVMQpsk (QPSK EVM measurement)

SETup:FSTability (Frequency Stability measurement)

SETup:HBLerror (HSDPA Block Error Ratio) lab application or feature-licensed test application only

SETup:HRCQuality (HSDPA Reporting of Channel Quality Indicator measurement) lab application only

SETup:SAUDio (Swept Audio measurement)

SETup:SMONitor (Spectrum Monitor measurements)

SETup:WACLeakage (Adjacent Channel Leakage measurements)

SETup:WBERror (Loopback Bit Error Ratio measurements)

SETup:WBLerror (Loopback Block Error Ratio measurement)

SETup:WCDomain (Code Domain measurement)

SETup:WCPower (Channel Power measurement)

SETup:WCTFormat (Change Of TFC) lab application only

SETup:WDPAnalysis (Dynamic Power Analysis measurement)

SETup:WEDPower (Extended Range Dynamic Power measurement)

SETup:WILPower (Inner Loop Power measurement)

SETup:WIQTuning (IQ Tuning measurement)

SETup:WOBWidth (Occupied Bandwidth measurement)

SETup:WOOPower (PRACH Transmit On/Off Power measurements

SETup:WOOSynch (Out-of-Synch Handling of Output Power) lab application only

SETup:WPDiscon (Phase Discontinuity measurement)
SETup:WPESquality (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality measurement)
SETup:WPPAnalysis (PRACH Preamble Analysis measurement) lab application only

SETup:WSEMask (Spectrum Emission Mask measurement)

SETup:WTDPower (TX Dynamic Power measurement)

SETup:WTPower (Thermal Power measurement)

SETup:WWQuality (Waveform Quality measurement)