Documentation Wizard

Flex Apps:

The Documentation Wizard saves a zip file that includes all the information needed to archive a particular instrument configuration including:

  • Screen Captures
  • Instrument Setup
  • Waveform Window Data
  • System Information

Because you can select the information that you want to save in the file, you can configure the zip file for your specific needs. For example, you can quickly save multiple waveforms files, copy these files to a DCA-X or N1010A FlexDCA at another location, and load the files into waveform, Color Grade-Gray Scale, or Jitter memory.

The Document Wizard dialog lists the main categories of information that you can save. Expand each section to show the complete list of options for your zip file. In practice, the dialog can never include all the Save options, as most options are only available under specific instrument settings or modes.

When you click the Select All and Clear All buttons, only the currently displayed Save options are affected. Options not shown remain in there current selected or cleared state. To view an explanation of a Save option, click the chevron icon to expand the option.

You can configure the DCA-X's front-panel Multi-Purpose button to save a documentation wizard file.

The following table lists all of the possible Save options with their descriptions.

All Possible Options for Saved Data
Option Instrument Mode Saved in Zip File
Scope Eye TDR Jitter
Screen Capture Screen capture of entire display (Entire UI Screen Capture.png)
Instrument Setup Instrument state file (InstrumentSetup.setx)
System Information System information shown in the Help > About dialog (SystemInfo.txt)
Waveform Content Windows
Waveform Window Data
  • Scope Mode: ASCII Y-value waveform files (.txt) and optional y-value internal format (.wfmx).
  • Scope Mode: internal waveform files (example, Channel 1A (1A).wfmx)
  • Eye Mode: color-grade gray-scale database waveform and csv files (.cgsx, .csv) and optional internal format (.wfmx).
  • Eye Mode: internal waveform files (example, Channel 1A (1A).wfmx)
  • Jitter Mode: color-grade gray-scale database waveform files (.cgsx).
  • TDR Mode: ASCII Y-value waveform files for ports (.txt) and optional y-value internal format (.wfmx).
  • All modes: screen capture of waveform content window (Waveform Window Screen Capture.png)
Time-Ohms N Window Data
  • T-parameter ASCII Y-value waveform files (example, T11 Ohms.txt)
  • Internal format (.wfmx)
  • Screen capture of waveform content window (Time-Ohms N Window Screen Capture.png)
Time-Volts N Window Data
  • T-parameter ASCII Y-value waveform files (example, T13 Volts.txt)
  • Internal format (.wfmx)
  • Screen capture of waveform content window (Time-Volts N Window Screen Capture.png)
Time-% N Window Data
  • T-parameter ASCII Y-value waveform files (example, T21 Percent.txt)
  • Internal format (.wfmx)
  • Screen capture of waveform content window (Time-% N Window Screen Capture.png)
Freq-Mag N Window Data
  • S-parameter ASCII Y-value waveform files (example, S21 Magnitude.txt)
  • Internal format (.wfmx)
  • Screen capture of waveform content window (Freq-Mag N Window Screen Capture.png)
Phase N Window Data
GrpDelay N Window Data
  • S-parameter ASCII Y-value waveform files (example, S11 Delay.txt)
  • Internal format (.wfmx)
  • Screen capture of waveform content window (GrpDelay N Window Screen Capture.png)
S-Parameters Touchstone S-parameter file for a DUT setup (example, DUT N S-Parameters.s2p)
Jitter Mode
Graphs Window Data
  • Jitter database file (JitterDatabase.jdx). Can be loaded into jitter memory.
  • Screen capture of jitter graphs (Graphs Window Screen Capture.png)
Jitter Table Data (NRZ signals)
  • Jitter results table in a comma-delimited ASCII file (Jitter Window Results.csv)
  • Screen capture of Jitter results table (Jitter Window Screen Capture.png)
Amplitude Table Data (NRZ signals)
  • Amplitude results table in a comma-delimited ASCII file (Amplitude Window Results.csv)
  • Screen capture of Amplitude results table (Amplitude Window Screen Capture.png)
Eye Table Data (PAM4 signals)
  • Eye results table in a comma-delimited ASCII file (Eye Window Results.csv)
  • Screen capture of Jitter results table (Eye Window Screen Capture.png)
Level Table Data (PAM4 signals)
  • Level results table in a comma-delimited ASCII file (Level Window Screen Capture.png)
  • Screen capture of Amplitude results table (Level Window Results.csv)
Option JSA
JSA Spectrum Window Data
JSA Results Window Data
General Purpose
Markers Window Data
  • Marker results table as comma-delimited ASCII file (Markers Window Results.csv)
  • Screen capture of waveform with markers (Markers Window Screen Capture.png).
Mask Test Window Data
  • Mask test results table in comma-delimited ASCII file (Mask Test Window Results.csv)
  • Screen capture of waveform with mask shown (Mask Test Screen Capture.png).
Histogram Window Data
  • Histogram results table in comma-delimited ASCII file (Histograms Window Results.csv)
  • Screen capture of the waveform with histogram (Histograms Window Screen Capture.png)
Limit Line Window Data
  • Limit Line results table in comma-delimited ASCII file (Limit Lines Window Results.csv)
  • Screen capture of waveform with limit lines shown (Limit Lines Screen Capture.png)
Results Window Data
  • Measurement results table in comma-delimited ASCII file (Results Window Results.csv)
  • Screen capture of Results table (Results Window Screen Capture.png)

At the bottom of the dialog, click Browse to select the folder and name for saving your file. Click Save to actually save the file. The default filename is DocumentationResults with the current date and an incremented index number appended:


The default folder for saving images is the \Documentation Results user folder.