Location of Files
UXR Scope
Flex Apps:
The Location of FlexDCA User Files picture in this topic shows the FlexDCA folder (with subfolders) for saving files from either a dialog or over SCPI. These folders are the default location for saving specific types of files. For example, screen capture files that you save are, by default, saved in the \Screen Images subfolder. You can always save files to any folder that you wish including those on a network or external drive.
To protect you user files, it is recommended that you backup this folder to an external or network drive.
Subfolder | Contents | Remote Commands |
Adapter Definitions | Saved TDR/TDT-mode adapter definitions for ECal modules. These definitions are created and selected in the Add New Adapter wizard (Configure ECal Adapters for DUT dialog). | :TDR:ADAPters:STARt |
Colorgrade-Grayscale | Saved eye-mode database files (.cgsx) that usually contain eye-diagram data. These files can be loaded into eye memory. | :DISK:EYE:SAVE
De-Embedding Networks | Saved de-embedding network files (.tf4) files created using waveform signal processing's 2-port and 4-port de-embeding operators. Using remote programming commands, you can load but cannot create and define networks. | :SPRocess:DEMBed:FNAMe
:SPRocess:DDEMbed:FNAMe |
Documentation Results | Saved Documentation Wizard report files (.zip). Documentation files can be configured and saved from the GUI. Remotely, they can be configured but not saved. | :DISK:DWIZard:FNAMe |
Jitter Data | Saved jitter-mode database files (.jdx, .csv). These files can be recalled into the jitter memory. | :DISK:JDATabase:SAVE
:DISK:JDATabase:RECall |
Saved Jitter Spectrum Analysis (JSA) files (.jsax) from an 86108A/B module with option JSA. These files can be saved from oscilloscope, eye, and jitter modes. These files can be recalled into the JSA memory. | :DISK:JSANalysis:SAVE
:DISK:JSANalysis:RECall |
Limit Lines | Saved limit line definitions for Oscilloscope and TDR/TDT modes. | :LLINe:LOAD:FNAMe |
Limit Summaries | Saved Summary Report files (.sum) from measurement and mask limit testing. | :LTESt:MEASure:SSUMmary:FNAMe
Masks | Supplied or modified eye-mode mask definition files (.mskx, .msk). These files can be loaded in eye mode. | :MTESt:LOAD |
User Measurements | User-defined measurements in Eye, Oscilloscope, and TDR/TDT modes. Can be defined from Matlab or Python scripts. | :MEASure:EYE:USER:CFILe
Presets | Saved mini-setup files for: | |
86108A/B Clock Recovery Configuration and 83496A/B Clock Recovery Configuration. | :CRECovery:PRESets | |
Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) function configuration. | :SPRocess:DFEQualizer:PRESets | |
Continuous Time Linear Equalizer (CTLE) function configuration. | :SPRocess:CTLequalizer:PRESets | |
Linear Feedforward Equalizer function configuration | :SPRocess:FFEQualizer:PRESets | |
TDEC (Transmitter and Dispersion Eye Closure measurement) | :MEASure:TDEC:PRESet | |
SCPI Scripts | Saved recorded SCPI scripts (.scpi) that can be loaded and saved | :SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion |
Screen Images |
Setups |
:DISK:SETup:RECall |
SIRC Calibrations | Downloaded Option IRC SIRC (System Impulse Response Capability) data files for 86105C, 86105D, 86115D, or 86116C modules. These files cannot be saved or loaded via GUI or remote interface. | :CHANnel:SIRC |
S-Parameter Data | Saved TDR/TDT-mode S-parameters Touchstone files. | :DISK:SPARameter:SAVE |
TDR Calibration | Saved TDR/TDT-mode calibration files. These files are saved automatically during a calibration and can be loaded at a later date. | :TDR:CALIbration:DUT:LOAD |
User App Menu Items | Place your own custom file and PC application shortcuts in this folder. These items will automatically appear on FlexDCA's Apps menu. | none |
Waveforms | Saved oscilloscope-mode single-valued waveforms. | :DISK:WAVeform:SAVE
:DISK:WAVeform:RECall |