:CALibrate:CRECovery:{SLOT{N} | LMODule | RMODule}:STATus?

Flex Apps:

Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.01.70 and above, use the :CALibrate:SLOT:CRECovery:STATus? command.

Query Syntax

:CALibrate:CRECovery:{SLOT{N} | LMODule | RMODule}:STATus?

{N} identifies a specific module by slot and must be selected from {1:8}. For a module that occupies multiple slots, use the module's left-most slot number to identify the module. For two-slot modules, the slot number would be 1 or 3. For four-slot modules like the 86108B, the slot number would be 1.


Queries the calibration status of a clock recovery module. Modules are identified as being installed in :SLOT1 or :SLOT3. One of the following response strings are returned:

The module does not require a calibration.
The module requires a calibration.

Use the child queries listed in the following table to return details about the current calibration.

Status String Child Queries
Status Sring Child Query to Send
Time of last calibration,
Time change since last calibration, and
Ttemperature change since last calibration
Change in temperature :DTEMperature?
Change in Time :TIME?