Flex Apps:
Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.03.00 and above, use the :CALibrate:FRAMe:TIMebase:STATus
command. To return the status of the calibration for the N1000A's internal precision timebase, use the :CALibrate:FRAMe:PTIMebase:STATus
Query Syntax
Queries the status of N1000A frame calibration. One of the following response strings is returned:
- The N1000A does not require a calibration.
- The N1000A requires a calibration.
Use the child queries listed in the following table to return details about the current calibration.
Status Sring | Child Query to Send |
Time of last calibration, Time change since last calibration, and Temperature change since last calibration |
Change in temperature | :DTEMperature?
Change in Time | :TIME?
Requires FlexDCA revision A.02.00 and above.