:CALibrate:CRECovery:{SLOT{N} | LMODule | RMODule}:STATus:TEMPerature?

Flex Apps:

Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.01.70 and above, use the :CALibrate:SLOT:CRECovery:STATus:DTEMperature? command.

Query Syntax

:CALibrate:CRECovery:{SLOT{N} | LMODule | RMODule}:STATus:TEMPerature?

{N} identifies a specific module by slot and must be selected from {1:8}. For a module that occupies multiple slots, use the module's left-most slot number to identify the module. For two-slot modules, the slot number would be 1 or 3. For four-slot modules like the 86108B, the slot number would be 1.


Queries the 86100D's change in temperature from the time when the last clock recovery module calibration was performed on the indicated module. A calibration should be performed if the change in 86100D temperature exceeds ±5°C. Use the :CALibrate:CRECovery:SLOT<N>:STARt command to start a clock recovery module calibration.

Example Returned Status String


Example Command
