<MaskAlignMethod> Element

The element's content specifies the alignment used to align a mask. The elements contents can be NRZEYE, ECMEAN, or NONE. NRZEYE aligns the mask reference point to the first eye crossing on screen for non-return to zero (NRZ) measurements. It is the default method. ECMEAN aligns the mask reference point to the eye crossing mean of the rise and fall time at waveform average power at the first eye crossing point. This is currently applicable to 10 Gb Ethernet masks. NONE specifies no alignment takes place.

This element sets the Alignment Method field in the Configure Measurements dialog (Measure > Configure Base Measurements > Mask Test tab). It also labels the Mask Test panel as shown in the following figure.

The masks provided for SONET STS1 and STS3 include the AMIEYE and CMIEYE alignment method strings. These alignment methods are not currently supported by FlexDCA and, when the mask loads, result in the message "This mask file is not fully supported".

Parent Elements

Child Elements





  • <MaskAlignMethod>NRZEYE</MaskAlignMethod>