<MaskScaleMode> Element

The element's content specifies the mask scaling mode to ensure that the mask will be properly loaded and adjusted on the screen. The elements contents can be XANDY or XONLY. XANDY specifies that when a mask is loaded and aligned, the time value reference point (X) and vertical scaling points (Y) are adjusted. XANDY applies to all non fixed-voltage masks and is the default setting. XONLY specifies that only the time value reference point (X) is adjusted. The vertical scaling points (Y) remain fixed. XONLY applies to fixed voltage masks and must be specified for fixed-voltage masks.

This element sets the Mask Scale Mode field in the Configure Measurements dialog (Measure > Configure Base Measurements > Mask Test tab).

Parent Elements

Child Elements





  • <MaskScaleMode>XANDY</MaskScaleMode>