<Region> Element

Each mask violation area (polygon shape) in your mask is defined by a <Region> element. Every mask file must define at least one region. When defining mask regions it is a common and recommended practice to label the center region as region 1. Each <Region> must contain contain three <Polygon> elements, one with an attribute value of Standard, one with an attribute value of MinMargin, and one with an attribute value of MaxMargin.

Parent Elements

Child Elements


Name Value Description
Number integer This is a unique identifier for a polygon shape.


  • <Region Number="1">
  • <Polygon Type="Standard">
  • …
  • …
  • </Polygon>
  • <Polygon Type="MinMargin">
  • …
  • …
  • </Polygon>
  • <Polygon Type="MaxMargin">
  • …
  • …
  • </Polygon>
  • </Region>
  • …