Command Syntax
:MEASure:JITTer:DEFine:RJComp{? {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}
Query Response
{1 | 0}
Turns on RJ compensation which removes intrinsic oscilloscope jitter from the measurement results. Use the :MEASure:DEFine:RJCValue
command to enter the actual correction value. Every jitter measurement, whether performed on a scope, TIA, or BERT, includes a component of jitter that has been generated by the measurement instrument itself. This is often referred to as intrinsic jitter. The RJ result is an RSS sum of RJ from the instrument and Device Under Test (DUT):
RJ2meas = RJ2DUT + RJ2meas system
To determine the intrinsic RJ from your measurement system, measure the jitter of a source that is known to have extremely low phase noise, such as an Keysight E8267D PSG Analog Signal Generator. Alternatively, if you are using a BERT or pattern generator to drive the DUT, connect the BERT or pattern generator directly to the N1000A and measure jitter using a PRBS7 or 1010 pattern. The measured RJ is the intrinsic RJ of your measurement system. Enter this value and this random jitter contribution will be RSS'd out of the results.
For the N1000A DCA-X, intrinsic oscilloscope jitter is dependent on clock edge speed and rate.
Source | Intrinsic Jitter |
Standard Timebase | 750 fs |
86107A Precision Timebase Module | 90 fs (approximate) |
86108A Precision Waveform Analyzer | 50 fs |
For the 86108A, intrinsic jitter is very small and you need not use the Compensate RJ by: feature.