
AWG Instrument:
Meas. mode:
Package License:
Licensed Feature:
Waveform type:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:EMODules:AWGeneratorN:SRATe <double>

Where N identifies slot number {1:8} which is associated with an AWG instrument.

Where <double> is the symbol rate (in baud).

Query Syntax


Query Response



Selects the symbol rate for the channel outputs of an Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) extended module. The symbol rate is expressed in baud. This setting applies to all AWG channel outputs. The range of available symbol rates, pattern lengths, and clock divide ratios depends upon the AWG and selected symbol rate as described in the following section. The working of this command is dependent on the :EMODules:AWGenerator:WTYPe command, which selects whether the AWG's waveform is constructed from waveform parameters sent from FlexDCA or from a waveform file downloaded from FlexDCA:

  • :EMODules:AWGenerator:WTYPe DATA (waveform contructed from parameters)
  • :EMODules:AWGenerator:WTYPe FILE (waveform contructed from file)

If the waveform is constructed from parameters, you must enter the symbol rate (:EMODules:AWGenerator:SRATe command).

If the waveform is constructed from a waveform file, the :EMODules:AWGenerator:SRATe command will be disabled if the file contains a full pattern waveform and you can not change the symbol rate. If the file contains a partial pattern waveform, you must enter the symbol rate (:EMODules:AWGenerator:SRATe command).

Relationship between symbol rate, pattern length, and clock divide ratio:

Due to the finite memory of an AWG and the constraint of waveform wrapping, the maximum symbol rate that you can set is approximately one half of the AWG's sampling rate. In addition, reducing the sample rate reduces the maximum available pattern length. The available clock divide ratios also depend on the symbol rate and pattern length. The best way to view these dependancies is do the following:

  1. Make a FlexDCA-to-AWG connection and open this dialog.
  2. In the dialog, select the highest Symbol Rate.
  3. While using a scroll-wheel mouse, hover the mouse cursor over the Symbol Rate field and scroll the mouse wheel while observing the Pattern field. As you reduce the symbol rate, watch the pattern rate decrease.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.00 and above.

Related Commands

Example Command Sequence

:EMODules:AWGenerator6:SRATe 9.95328E+9