:EMODules AWG Commands
AWG Commands
The AWG commands apply to M8194/5/6A and M8199A/B Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) extended modules. To configure the AWG you'll use the commands in this subsystem and the some of the commands from the :SOURce
subsystem as noted in this topic.
Establish FlexDCA-to-AWG SFP Connection Commands
(Enters AWG soft panel's SICL address):EMODules:AWGenerator:VADDress
(Enters AWG soft panel's VISA address):EMODules:SLOT:ADDRess
(Selects either SICL or VISA LAN address):EMODules:SLOT:CONNect
(Make FlexDCA-to-AWG connection):EMODules:SLOT:SELection
(Assigns AWG to indicated slot)
Always send the :EMODules:SLOT:SELection
command first to assign the AWG to a FlexDCA slot. If the AWG is not assigned to a slot, sending any other connection commands will result in an error.
Defining AWG Waveform Commands
The AWG waveforms can be generated from either a FlexDCA waveform file that is downloaded to the AWG or from waveform parameter settings.
(Selects waveform file or parameters):EMODules:AWGenerator:FNAMe
(Specifies the waveform filename)
If you select to define the AWG waveform by parameter settings, use the following commands which are equivalent to making selections in the AWG setup dialogs. Note that configuring the waveform is done by combination of commands located this subsystem and in the :SOURce
Universal AWG Channel Output Commands
(NRZ or PAM4):EMODules:AWGenerator:SRATe
(Symbol Rate):EMODules:AWGenerator:STATus?
(State of AWG):EMODules:AWGenerator:STATus:REASon?
(Specific pattern):EMODules:AWGenerator:PLENgth
(Pattern length):EMODules:AWGenerator:CDIVide
(Clock Divide Ratio)
Individual AWG Channel Output Commands
The following commands are located in the :SOURce
(Turn channel on or off):SOURce:WTYPe
(Data or Clock Waveform):SOURce:AMPLitude
(Waveform Amplitude):SOURce:OFFSet
(Waveform Offset):SOURce:SKEW
(Waveform Skew):SOURce:FILTer:TYPE
(Filter Type):SOURce:FILTer:CUToff
(Filter BW):SOURce:FILTer:STATe
(Turns Filter On/Off):SOURce:INVert
(Inverts the waveform
Optimize Waveforms Commands
Clock Commands
Synchronizing FlexDCA/AWG Settings Commands
By default, FlexDCA's setting are automatically kept in sync with the AXIe AWG module's settings:
(Turns automatic syncing on or off):EMODules:AWGenerator:SEND
(Pushes the current dialog / remote command settings to the AWG)
Example Command Sequence for connecting AWG:
:EMODules:SLOT6:SELection AWGenerator :EMODules:AWGenerator6:SADDress "lan,4880;hislip[WINDOWS-6ISM873]:hislip0" :EMODules:SLOT6:ADDRess SICL :EMODules:SLOT6:CONNect;*OPC?