
AWG Instrument:
Meas. mode:
Package License:
Licensed Feature:
Waveform type:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax


Where N identifies slot number {1:8} which is associated with an AWG extended module.


Starts the AWG waveform optimization wizard. The wizard compensates for any waveform distortion (cable loss, limited AWG output bandwidth, etc.) that occurs between the AWG's output and the oscilloscope's input channel. The FlexDCA AWG Setup must be in Basic mode and not in Advanced mode before starting the wizard. After the optimization completes, the AWG Setup is automatically placed in Advanced mode. You can explicitly select Basic mode using the :EMODules:AWGenerator:MODE command as shown in the example that is included in this topic.

When the optimization is run, an optimized waveform file is created for each AWG channel that is defined as Data (instead of Clock). Since the AWG has four output channels, there can be up to four optimization files. To run the optimization wizard:

  1. Connect each AWG Data channel through your test setup to a DCA-X's input channel.
  2. Turn the AWG channels on and view the waveform.
  3. Select the Basic AWG setup mode.
  4. For each Data channel, send :EMODules:AWGenerator:OPTimization:CHANnel to associate the proper DCA-X channel to each AWG channel.
  5. For each Data channel, send the :EMODules:AWGenerator:OPTimization:FILE command to provide a filename for each optimization waveform file.
  6. Send :EMODules:AWGenerator:OPTimization:STARt to run the wizard.

It is good practice to specify the filename of the resulting optimization waveform file using the :EMODules:AWGenerator:OPTimization:FILE command. This is because if the filename has been accidently entered as an empty string in FlexDCA, the optimization will fail upon the first attempt. Upon failure, the filename will automatically be populated for the next optimization with the default filename. For example, CH3OptimizedWave.csv.

Use the following commands to setup the wizard:

Use the following commands to control the execution of the wizard:

Use an *OPC? query to pause program execution while waiting for this command to execute.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.40 and above.

Optimize Wizard Example Command Sequence

For the AWG in slot 5, the following sequence of commands runs the optimization wizard and saves the optimized waveform files. Three Data channels are used and associated with three DCA-X input channels.

:EMODules:AWGenerator5:MODE BASic;*OPC?  //  Place AWG setup dialog in Basic mode.
:EMODules:AWGenerator5:OPTimization:CHANnel1 CHAN1A  //  Associate AWG channel 1.
:EMODules:AWGenerator5:OPTimization:CHANnel2 CHAN1B  //  Associate AWG channel 2.
:EMODules:AWGenerator5:OPTimization:CHANnel3 CHAN2A  //  Associate AWG channel 3.
:EMODules:AWGenerator5:OPTimization:FILE1 "OptimizedWaveform_1.csv"   //  File to create.
:EMODules:AWGenerator5:OPTimization:FILE2 "OptimizedWaveform_2.csv"   //  File to create.
:EMODules:AWGenerator5:OPTimization:FILE3 "OptimizedWaveform_3.csv"   //  File to create.
:EMODules:AWGenerator5:OPTimization:STARt;*OPC?  //  Run the optimization wizard
:EMODules:OPTimization:AWGenerator:CONTinue  //  Remove Done dialog

Loading a Saved Optimized Waveform

Because the Optimize wizard saves the optimized waveform file, you can reload these files at a later date into the AWG. As long as your test setup has not changed, loading this file is faster than re-running the wizard. To load an optimized waveform file into the AWG Setup dialog's Basic mode, where it is applied to all Data channels, use the :EMODules:AWGenerator:WTYPe and :EMODules:AWGenerator:FNAMe commands as shown in the following example:

:EMODules:AWGenerator5:MODE BASic;*OPC?  //  Place AWG setup dialog in Basic mode.
:EMODules:AWGenerator5:WTYPe FILE;*OPC?   //  Select to load file.
:EMODules:AWGenerator5:FNAMe "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Waveforms\Optimize_3.csv";*OPC?   //  Select to the file.
:SOURce5B:OENable ON   //  Enable AWG channel 2 waveform.

To load an optimized waveform file into the AWG Setup dialog's Advanced mode, where it is applied to a specific AWG Data channel, use the :SOURce:WTYPe and :SOURce:FNAMe commands as shown in the following example. Notice that the :Source subsystem is used to load the file, which is the same subsystem that is used to define waveforms on simulated modules.

:EMODules:AWGenerator5:MODE ADVanced;*OPC?  //  Place AWG setup dialog in Advanced mode.
:SOURce5B:WTYPe FILE;*OPC?   //  Select to load file.
:SOURce5B:FNAMe "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Waveforms\Optimize_3.csv";*OPC?   //  Select to the file.
:SOURce5B:OENable ON   //  Enable AWG channel 2 waveform.
:CHANnel2A:DISPlay ON   //  Turn on receiver module's channel.

Note that in the above examples, the :Source subsystem commands specify the AWG's channel as 5B, as in :SOURce5B:OENable. The number 5 indicates the FlexDCA's slot number for the AWG. The letter B identifies the specific AWG channel using "A" to represent channel 1, "B" to represent channel 2, "C" to represent channel 3, and "D" to represent channel 4.