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Command Syntax


Where N indicates one of 16 possible DUT setups. For example, :DUT4.

Query Syntax



Adds (enables) an additional DUT Setup, which is shown as a DUT tab in the TDR Setup dialog. The ON argument is identical to clicking the dialog box's Add DUT button. The OFF argument is identical to clicking the dialog box's Delete DUT button.

When an additional DUT is enabled, a default DUT type is automatically selected. To change the DUT type, for example to a differential 4-port device, use the :TDR:DUT:DTYPe command. By default, one DUT setup is always enabled. Up to 15 additional DUT setups can be enabled for a total of 16. Performing a system default (:SYSTem:DEFault) deletes all DUT setups, deletes all fixture de-embedding components, deletes the current fixture de-embedding setup (if defined), and resets the default DUT 1 setup. To save your DUT, fixture components, and fixture setups, save an instrument state (:DISK:SETup:SAVe).

Query Response

Use the query response to determine if a specific DUT has been defined:

The DUT has been defined.
The DUT has not been defined.

For example, use the following query to confirm that a DUT2 setup has been defined.


Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.00 and above.